Crusty, Saucy, Cheesy Google Pizza Map for NYC - has started to plot locations of pizza places pegged on a Google Map within their site (with great little "pizza-pegs" to show the locations!).
This should be a great marketing tool for this vertical business directory to get
more pizzerias to join on with them! adds maps to show you where the jobs are - has added Google mapping functionality to their job search tool so that after you have ranked your preferred jobs, you can view the location of the job posting.
I'm personally surprised that there aren't more jobs sites integrating Google Maps. Maybe more are working on it, but just haven't completed their integrations?
Hotspots in Sevilla, Spain - This user has created an overlay to his favourite hotspots in the city of Sevilla, Spain. Locations include pizzerias, tapas and other places to visit. It's a shame that people living outside of North America, the UK and Japan have to live with creating mashups and overlays using satellite photos on Google Maps. Hopefully this won't be the case for long as street maps for new countries will definitely make way for new mashups in countries like Spain. [via]
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