Another Google Maps enabled blog visit tracking tool has arrived -
MapStats. It's a free tool that allows you to plot the locations of recent visitors to your blog on a Google Map. The service requires registration to Blogflux, of which MapStats is a service. Register first, add your blog to the Blogflux directory, then look for the MapStats service from the menu. To set it up you need to perform a quick cut and paste of some JavaScript to your page code and once it's live recent visitors are pegged to a Google Map. The following data can be learned about these visitors when you click on the pushpins:

Here are some screenshots of
a demo that is running on Blogflux. It shows the full control panel you have the chance to view. In addition to the nifty Google Map geographically plotting your visitors, it also gives you standard site stats like visits, pageviews, and the cities of your visitors:

I'm interested to hear how people feel about this service. Is it better than the previously released
GVisit service? Leave a comment. :)
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