Globe Glider acts as a "navigator-companion" as you browse world locations using Google Earth. As you browse between countries, a flag and country view is displayed as well as plotting your location. There are links to nearby towns and cities and a very cool feature allows you to overlay Google Maps street views (if you're browsing in Canada, USA, Japan or UK) As Google Earth does a fly-to to another location Globe Glider places a pin on the Google Map showing your new location. Use the "web" Google Maps navigator to choose your next location. It would be interesting to see some of the great Google Maps mashups we're using integrated into Google Earth in the same way..
Globe Glider does require some setup, but this took me about 20 seconds. You'll need Google Earth and at least IE 6 Follow these instructions and your jaw will be dropping as low on the ground as mine did as you see this app in action (Sorry - it might not drop quite as far as the first time you used Google Earth). Generally I don't feature Google Earth items but this application is definitely worthy of mention as the way Google Maps and Google Earth are finally becoming practically married to one another.. all using the Google Maps API. Now let's hope Lars Rasmussen's vision hurries itself up so we don't have to wait too long for Google Earth to become a true web app!
Technorati Tags: [Google], [Google Earth], [Globe Glider], [Google Local], [Google Maps], [GoogleMapsMania]
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