Toronto Restaurants - Blogto.com has integrated the Google Maps API into their site to offer a tool to search for restaurants in each of Toronto's unique communities. Results bring photos, reviews, addresses and great descriptions. Locals or tourists can make great use of this tool - Don't just visit the places in the Toronto Tourism guides - use this tool! (
More Toronto mashups here..)
Mapping out Ontario restaurants - Restaurantica is an interactive restaurant review community site that covers Ontario, Canada. The site contains nearly 16,000 restaurant reviews. This mashup allows users to view the restaurants in a particular city by browsing the RestaurantRank values on a Google map. Users are given the ability to filter by cuisine type or to set a minimum rank to filter their view. Examples cities:
Niagara Falls &
Auto Traffic in the province of Quebec - A Google Map features hundreds of different map markers plotting locations of traffic cameras, incidents and roadworks taking place across the entire province of Quebec. There is also a
Google Earth version available as well!
MontrealCafe.com integrates with Google Maps - A bilingual site mapping cafes, restaurants, nightclubs and lounges from their database. Detailed info and addresses are available for each location.
Find WiFi in Montreal - This Hotspots Status Map shows you where you can get wireless Internet access in the city of Montreal. Each map marker indicates if it is operational, down or not currently monitored. This mashup displays in French and English. [
More Canadian Google Maps Mashups here..
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