Here is a great new app that takes the Bible and mashes it up with Google Maps. is a mashup that lets you explore cities, regions, and geographic features that appear in the bible through color coded links in a reading panel. Click the links and map pins appear annotating the area on the map:
For example, when you choose the Old Testament, book of Exodus, chapter 17, you learn more about the city of Rephidim and what it was significant for with supporting detail after clicking on its name. It will also tell you how many times this name appears in the bible.
This is a great way to take geographic references and put them together with text, creating a mashup on so many levels! The creators of the site have this to say: "..The motivation for developing the site was simple. Create a free Bible atlas which harnesses Google Maps. We hope this site will be a blessing to you and possibly help make the living book of the Bible more alive in your life."
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