VerveEarth is a really cool new Google Maps mashup that lets you discover new blogs and news for a geographic area anywhere in the world. When visiting the landing page of VerveEarth you are greeted by the number of feeds that are waiting by continent. I chose to zoom down into New York City to see what is being located. As I arrive in Manhattan a number of recognizable logos are all displayed: MTV, Rolling Stone, The UN, The New Yorker and even users of VerveEarth who have geo-located themselves and added the feed from their blog. By clicking on a map marker it reveals the feeds available from that source as well as a number of options: Add to Favorites, Comments or links off to its page or Wikipedia entry. I took the 30 seconds it takes to register for an account and was also able to save locations and add feeds to 'My Favorites'. If you're a news site or blogger, you need to invite 10 friends to VerveEarth before you can add your own location which helps to promote and foster the social aspects of the mashup. I see VerveEarth as a really interesting way to explore and discover new blogs/feeds and it also creates a very unique blog/feed reading experience: right on a map! :)
[via & via]
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