The posh Sol Melia Hotels and Resorts chain is using Google Maps (and Earth) in a great online promotion that gives you a bird's eye view of all of their hotels and resorts.... and a chance to stay at any of their 330 hotels worldwide! At the welcome screen choose English -> International to send your skydiving tourist in to have a look around at all Sol Melia's accommodation from a Google Maps satellite view. Initially you are centered on a beach-side hotel in Spain. Zoom back out to see more in that country or other hotels around the world. With the temperature sitting at -21C as I type this, I'll gladly take that Bali resort in my screenshot above! is a Luxury Hotels Google Map Mashup:
PerfectEscapes is a great new Google Maps mashup that will help you locate one of 2200 luxury hotels across 113 countries. Each are mapped to their location with a satellite view and are accompanied by photos and a short description. Start by drilling down to continent level and then into country, region or city. Good examples are New York City or LA. If you're looking for upscale accommodation, this is a great mashup to research, then book a hotel in any country you are visiting!
Zoom to find a room with Zoomarooma!:
Zoomarooma is pure Google Maps hotel mashup goodness. Nothing other than a full screen Google Maps viewport and a link to report bugs greets you as you arrive at this new hotel mapper. The directions are simple: "Zoom to Find a Room". Zoom to Louisville, Kentucky, Shanghai, China or London, England and you'll see a scattering of map markers that lead to information and price checking options of hotels all over the planet! More details about Zoomarooma can be found through their press release that just went out..
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