What kind of organisation would create a Google Map mash-up identifying the location of every Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine military installation in the US? A map moreover that allows users to zoom in on any military base and examine a detailed satellite image whilst at the same time providing information on the types of planes and squadrons based there.
Well the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), that's who. SeeAndAvoid.org, according to the U.S. Defense Department, "offers a centralized, credible website for civilian pilots and military safety officers. The site offers reciprocal information and education on airspace, visual identification, aircraft performance and mutual hazards to safe flight, with the ultimate goal of eliminating mid-air collisions and reducing close calls."
When the Pentagon forced Google to remove 'street view' imagery of US military bases last year who knew it was because they wanted to map every military base for the world themselves?
Via: AllHeadlineNews
Even if the google may not be able to provide all the military information but there is this website named military bases near me which is providing the recent information and services to the public.
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