GoolzOOm is an impressive cadastre map of Spain. The map is a comprehensive register of property in Spain, with details of ownership and the value of individual parcels of land.
As well as containing huge amounts of data the map provides a large number of map options. Not only are you able to view the usual Google map, terrain and satellite views goolZoom allows you to view an area in OpenStreetMap and Virtual Earth as well as providing detailed overlay maps showing individual real estate plots.
Ibiza A-Z
Ibiza A-Z is a Google Map mash-up showing over 1500 places to stay in Ibiza. The map includes hotels, hostels and even camping areas. The location of the different lodgings are tagged on the map.
Clicking on one of the hotel tags loads information and photographs of the hotel below the map. The information includes the services the hotel offers, the price of rooms and a detailed description. There is even a link to book a room.
Meipi is a Spanish collaborative mapping site. Any registered user on Meipi can create a map around any location or subject and then other users can add their own information to the map.
Example collaborative maps created on Meipi are this Neighbourhood Map in Madrid and this cooperative map of Artistic Interventions in Sao Paulo. Meipi even has a collaborative map for Google's new 3D chat service Lively.
Plano de Metro
Plano de Metro is a Google Map showing the Madrid Metro. Each of the Metro lines are shown in a different colour. Stations are shown on the map as small white circles. Clicking on a circle reveals the name of the station and which lines it serves.
yVinos is handy little map showing the region in Spain that Spanish wines originate from. So if you are going on holiday to Spain you could check what wine is made in the area that you are visiting before you travel.
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