This guy really, really hates Street View.
Via: Google Sightseeing
Google Maps - The Movie
I've updated my screencast of visually interesting Google Maps mashups to now show 30 websites. I've also used the YoutTube API to add information about each of the websites.
New Google Site - Google 3G
L'Indipendente are reporting about a new Google Service called Google Garden Gnomes. They say Google is working with various associations in an attempt to map every garden gnome in the world by Fall 2010. They say that Google 3G will substantially increase the speed of mapping and searching for garden gnomes. About time too!
Bush's Change of Address
I understand that George W. Bush will be moving from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to this house in Dallas next week.
New Dutch Street View Directory
This site is a new street view directory in Dutch. The site provides a directory of funny and interesting sights found in Google street view.
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