Mapyro is a travel video sharing site that lets you archive your vacation videos and show them on a Google Map. Using Mapyro you can upload and share videos, explore other user's videos via Google Maps, blog about your videos and show your videos to your friends and family.
You can also use Mapyro to organize your travel videos in the form of a trip and view your videos in the form of an entire ‘album’. What’s more, you can even write a ‘travelogue’ that describes your trip and videos in greater detail.
Other Video Mashups
Seero - live video tracking on a Google Map
MyTAGeo - Videos and webcams tagged on Google Maps
Virtual Tourism - my own video mapping site, showing hundreds of videos from around the world.
TURNHERE - a travel and video site
Virtual Video Map - a Google Map of videos from around the world
Venividiwiki - a travel site that includes a number of videos
YouTube Vision - YouTube Vision, shows the most recent geo-tagged videos from YouTube embedded on a Google Map.
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