Last year Craig Stanton walked across Japan. He created a Google Maps mashup of the experience to help show his progress and to act as a record of the event.
The map plots his route from Cape Sata to Cape Soya. Besides Craig's route the map also contains photographs and videos from the trip and blog entries. It is also possible to turn on other layers showing the 88 temples of Shikoku and other interesting locations.
30min.jp is a Japanese city guide that displays information about restaurants, shops and other interesting locations. The site displays information about each location based on entries scraped from relevant blogs (currently from around 8,000 blogs).
The site displays points of information based on time, showing only those locations that are within 30 minutes of your current location. For each place recommended, 30min.jp shows its location on a Google Map.
LogEarth maps users' tracks and trails. Users can use a GPS unit or an iPhone to track their trails and can then use LogEarth to display their movements on a Google Map.
Each map created on LogEarth includes an embed option. It is therefore possible to upload a trail on LogEarth and display the created map in your own website or blog. It is possible to search the site for tracks and trails already created and the site also prominently displays the most popular trails and the most recently uploaded.
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