ToGo Software has produced a simple Javascript library for Google Maps Street View. The library is very easy to use, and there is no need for a Google Maps API key.
To use the library you just need to include stview.js within your html. You can then place a Street View on your website by calling $stview, e.g.
As you can see from the example above, the height and width of the Street View is customisable. To add a Street View for a particular location you can use the latitude and longitude (as in the example above) or you can use a postal address.
You can of course embed a Street View in a web page simply by going to Google Maps and clicking on the 'Link' option and embedding the given code. However, if you plan to show a number of Street Views on one page or across a website then this Street View Javascript library could be very useful.
Via: Street View Gallery
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