During the next year a new period of negotiations for a collective wage agreement will take place in Sweden. This Google Map from Almega, a Swedish employers' organisation is designed to raise the debate about wages and how people think work should be valued.
Anybody can share their opinions and experiences of wage negotiations with the website and they will appear on the map. Users can also take a simple test which will show which of four criteria – experience, development, engagement or achievement – is valued the most. Users can also share stories about the wage negotiation process.
Each test result and story is added as a marker on the map depending on where the user lives. There is also the possibility of commenting on other user's test results or stories.
The map is the creation of StoryLabs and Sthlm Connection. Sthlm Connection are writing a series of posts on how they created the map. There are three tutorials, the first of which is Creative Google Maps I: Taking control of the location.
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