InstaEarth lets you discover and view beautiful Instagram photography taken around the world on a Google Map.
If you log into InstaEarth with your Instagram account you can also view your own feed and your friends' feeds on the Google Map. You can also view Instagram photos taken close to your current location and view Instagram photos that you have 'liked' directly on the map.
Mapstagram is a super-fast real-time Google Map of photos taken with the Instagram iPhone app.
When the Mapstagram map first loads it displays the most recent photos from a number of U.S. cities. After the initial photos have loaded Mapstagram goes into real-time mode. As photos are uploaded by users in these cities, they are immediately displayed on the map in real time.
Gramfeed uses the Instagram API to present the best photos from Instagram on Google Maps. It also allows users to view their own photos, a time-line of those they follow, read comments on photos and Tweet about photos and much, much more.
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