Real-time Google Maps tracking vehicles can be particularly useful for public transit passengers. However shipping company Maersk show that they can be equally effective as a marketing tool.
This Google Map allows you to track in real-time the huge shipping containers of Maersk as they travel around the world. The position of the ships are displayed live on the map and you can click on any of the ship map markers to view a photograph of the ship and read further details.
The map is a really effective tool in demonstrating the size of the Maersk fleet of shipping containers.
Maori Maps
This Google Map displays the locations of the tribal marae of Aotearoa New Zealand. A marae is a communal or sacred place, the centre of Maori identity and activity.
Maori Maps is a nationwide map of Aotearoa marae, with photos of each marae, contact and background information, and photographs. Currently the map displays marae in the Tai Tokerau (Northland) and Tamaki (Auckland) regions. Eventually the map will show all of Aotearoa’s more than 800 ancestral marae.
Oxfam's Food Price Pressure Points Map
This new Google Map, created by Oxfam, shows how poor communities across the world are being hurt by high and volatile food prices. The map displays countries that are highly vulnerable to price spikes, have seen price spikes contribute to violence or unrest, or have suffered extreme weather events that have contributed to price hikes.
If you click on any of marked food pressure points you can read about the cause of the problem at that location and the impact that it is having on people's lives.
The map is available in English, Spanish and French and can be embedded in any website.
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