Where Do You Want To Go? is a great idea to get people to share the places they want to go and why they want to go there.
To submit a desired location users simply need to enter a destination and some brief thoughts about why they want to visit. Whenever a user submits a destination, the destination is Tweeted by timespentalone with a link to the user's Google Map.
The best submissions are added to the Where Do You Want To Go? main map. The main map rotates through the submissions to the site, showing a Google Map satellite view of the location and the submitter's thoughts.
My only complaint with the application is that the map is a little slow. I'd like the application to move onto the next submission after about ten seconds or maybe add a button so users can manually move to the next map.
The application reminds me a little of ZeFrank's A Childhood Walk
For his project Ze asked people to recreate a childhood walk in Google Maps Street View. He then put together a collection of the responses superimposed on top of the appropriate Street View image.
The exercise was very effective and seemed to touch the nostalgic yearnings in a lot of users.
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