The latest trend in retail mapping appears to be tracking the street price of marijuana. Cannaberg.com is a Google Map monitoring the current strains and prices of weed at different locations around the world.
This isn't exactly a new idea. The guys behind The Price of Weed have long been enterprising supporters of the free market in wacky baccy. In order to gauge the true street value of this globally traded product the Price of Weed are also trying to crowdsource the cost of marijuana and display the results on a handy Google Map.
However before rushing out to find your local dealer you might want to take a little look at Young People's Stories
Australia's National Cannabis and Information Centre put together this rather beautiful collage using the Google Map's API. The collage contains nine real stories, by young people, telling their experience of using cannabis. And, whilst the map may be pretty, their stories aren't.
The names of the nine narrators are linked at the top of the mapped collage. When you click on one of the names the map zooms in on that young person's part of the collage and an information window opens on top of the map containing their story.
Also See
Potlocator - mapping medical marijuana dispensaries
Weedmaps.com - map of doctors and dispenseries
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