The Earth is a beautiful place and thanks to Google Maps satellite view we can now virtually explore this wonderful planet like never before.
Here are a few Google Maps Slideshows that celebrate the beauty of planet Earth:
Chuchichechocha is a Google Maps satellite view slideshow developed by David Schmidt. The slideshow automatically animates through a large number of beautiful images found in Google Maps.
The application includes controls to pause or to manually navigate through the images. Each image also comes with a unique URL so you can share your favorite views with your friends.
Stratocam is a nice slideshow of satellite images that can be found on Google Maps. As users watch the slideshow they can give each image a 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' to show whether they like the image or not.
Users can also submit their own finds by dragging and zooming the map and clicking on the camera icon to select their favourite view.
Aerial View Slideshow is a collection of my favorite oblique 45° imagery that can be found on Google Maps.
The application animates through a number of 'bird's eye' view images that have been found in Google's expanding coverage of 45° imagery.
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