Call them
web 2.0, or call them neat ideas for websites, just don't call them
dot-coms. ;) Here are some more neat sites using Google Maps to mash up data or plot locations:
Karmadu allows you to give "karma points" as thanks for good things that others do for you. You can see how your karma score compares to others at school, to people who like the same movies, or who live in the same area. Karmadu users are plotted on a Google Map.
MyspaceMap is a an interactive Google Map that allows users to search and view
myspace members in a visual manner. Using Google Maps, users can zoom, search, and move the map to see who lives near them, down the street, or across the country. [
Stuffopolis is a tool that lets you share your stuff with friends in a secure manner. Google Maps is used to show you where your stuff is. Track details of where your stuff has been loaned out to and get access to all the stuff your friends are willing to share. Stuffopolis claims to "make it easy to browse or search for items among your friends, and keeps you up-to-date on newly available items."
FreakStreets is an awesome site that tracks photos and locations of weird and wacky street names. The title tag at the top reads: "recognizing that some city planners lost their minds.." If you know of a funny street name they give you the ability to easily add it to the Google Map.
Semapedia is the "physical wikipedia". Users pick a Wikipedia article to link to, print out the generated semapedia tag and attach it to a matching physical place. Google Maps on the site plots photos of some of those objects. [
- Many of these sites have been found via John Musser's While Google Maps Mania tracks mashups using the Google Maps API, ProgrammableWeb keeps you up to date with
all mashups using APIs from a growing number of websites. The
mashup matrix will let you explore these sites and visually shows you all the APIs they are utilizing. Of interest to Google Maps mashup creators and freaks (like me!) PW also has an
entire section devoted to Google Maps (of which 50% of the mashups on ProgrammableWeb are). It's definitely a place you should list your mashup once you've built it.
Related Posts and Links:Technorati Tags: [Web 2.0], [Google Maps API], [Google], [Google Maps mashup], [Google Maps], [Google Maps Mania]
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