More Google Maps mashups for the city of Toronto, Ottawa and some mashups that include Canadian data..
Toronto Traffic Flow and Camera Map - has set up a great local community guide that has put the Google Maps API to use in a number of ways. Search results can be mapped and each listing in the guide has a Google Map embedded on the page. I especially like this feature -
Neighbourhood (spelled the Canadian way) Explorer. It allows you to center the map anywhere, then list attractions and businesses close to that point. This is great for tourists that can center the map on the hotel they're staying in, as well as Torontonians to locate places to do their taxes or find a restaurant closeby. They've just also created this map of MTO and City of Toronto cameras to help you keep up with the traffic situation.
Jewish in Toronto? - If you are, this Google Maps mashup is for you. Steve over at suggested 3 great new maps they have integrated with their database. Check it out, they have a
Stores Map which lists Bakeries, Kosher Supermarkets, Jewish Books, Judaica, etc.. They also have a great
Restaurants Map that list locations by Meat, Dairy and Parve. Last but of course the most important is
Synagogue Map which lists tons of synagogues throughout the Greater Toronto Area.
Toronto Entertainment District Map - This is a map of all the hotspots in Toronto's entertainment district. If you live in Toronto, you'll know this area. If you're visiting, it's worth checking out on a Saturday night.
(Check here for more Google Maps mashups for Toronto..)Other new maps for Canada:Ottawa + Google Maps - Choose a city from the left, click on area map + points of interest -> Map to the right.Google Mapping Community Bike + Google Maps
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