Trovemaps is a cool new Google Maps game that allows you to create your own treasure map using Google Maps. Place up to 10 hidden clues/treasures on a map, then get people to try and find them. For an example, a pretty fun one, go here Trovemaps has been used as a way to promote software app Qlock Pro on this demo map by offering you a free version of it if you complete the trovemap. More Google Maps Games are here..
MobuzzTV: Google (and other) Maps Revisited! - Here is a short video blog that covers the world of online maps in a great video segment.
World Hotels on a Google Map - This new Google Maps mashup lists 60,000 hotels worldwide that serves tourists and businesses. It works best in Internet Explorer as well. More information here..
Giordano Biondani's Travel Pushpin Map - An example of a personal travel map created using the Google Maps API.
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