Here is a collection of all special posts I've put together for various countries, cities and topics. It should help you find specific Google Maps mashups for various themes:
Special Google Maps Mania Posts:
Mapping your Photos, Travel Mashups, Music Maps, Google Maps in the News & Media - Part 2, Celebrity Maps, Zip Code Maps, Book Maps, Educational Uses of Google Maps, How Google uses Google Maps - Part 2, Google Maps Creation Tools & Resources (All 8 parts are linked here).
Country/City Google Maps Mania Roundup Posts:
Australia Part1, Part2 UK - Part1, Part2, Part3 France - Part1, Part2, Part3, New Zealand Part1, Part 2, Canada Part1, Part 2, Germany Part1, Part2, China, Russia Part1, Part2, Italy, Holland, Greece, Cambodia, Thailand, Qatar, Hong Kong, Shanghai, New York City
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