As an example, here is a Google Earth plugin tour of Flight 1549 that crashed into the Hudson River, Flight 1549 Crash Re-enactment.
The tour uses the narrated tour capabilities introduced today to give you a pilot's view of the plane's last flight with a recording created from the eight audio tapes released by the FAA. It means you can listen to the actual conversations between the pilot and flight controllers whilst viewing a simulation of the flight. The tour was originally created for Google Earth by Jeral Poskey of Da Vinci Global Services.
Google have released a number of other demo's of the plugin's new features which you can view from this Demo Gallery. My favourite of the demo's is a spectacular tour of the Grand Canyon.
Developers who wish to play with these exciting new features should head over to the Google Earth API's Developer's Guide.
Via: Google Geo Developers Blog: Google Earth Plugin Five-O: Ocean, Touring, and More!
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