Geocubes is a clustering solution for developers who need to map a large number of points. Geocubes clusters geo-referenced data into squares on a Google Map showing how many points are in each square. This allows users to zoom into individual square areas and see the results for that area thus avoiding indistinct point-clouds.
Now Geocubes also offers the possibility to set attributes to a location, e.g. categories and keywords and to search by the attributes through the markers on a user's map.
QMapr is an example of a Geocubes map using the new features to categorise markers and provide a search function. QMapr is a map of Qype reviews. The map shows how markers can now be categorised by Geocubes and how a full-text search can also be integrated into a map. The map incredibly shows nearly half a million points of interest from Qype.
The points of interest are sorted into a number of categories and can be searched using a two part search box, e.g. 'pizza' in 'New York'.
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