Mallorca 360 is a Google Map of the Spanish island of Mallorca. The map shows hotels, golf courses, beaches and a number of 360 degree panoramic photographs.
The categories of map marker can be selected from the map sidebar. The hotel map markers open to reveal a number of photos of the hotel, a detailed description and a link to book a room.
It is possible to view the panoramic images directly on the map.
Comilus is a Spanish language map for finding nearby restaurants, bars, hotels, cinemas and shops. To find nearby points of interest just enter your location and the range within which you want to search and your results are returned on the map.
The map can auto-detect your current location and automatically load nearby points of interest. This means the site is ideal for use from a mobile phone and Comilus do provide a mobile version of the map.
Gasofa is a Spanish website that displays the cheapest gas service stations on a Google Map. The site also includes Google Maps mashups that show police radar locations, dangerous stretches of road in Spain and speed trap cameras.
It is possible to search the map by region or search for gas stations near a specific address.
Misas uses Google Maps to show the location of churches in Spain.
It is possible to search the map by address. The map markers include links to the times of service for each church.
Mis Picaderos
This Google Map seems to show the location of 'picaderos' in Spain. Picaderos are places where certain Spanish individuals go to get 'intimate' in their cars. It is possible to search the map by address and it is possible to add 'picaderos' to the map. You can even add comments if you are that way inclined.
Mapa Dibujada de Madrid
This Google Map geotags sketches of locations in Madrid. The sketches can be viewed directly on the map by clicking on the walking man shaped map markers.
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