I definitely want one of these.
Google Map Marker in Tokyo
After the release of Google Favorite Places, Google's collection of famous people's hot spots around the world, large Google Map markers started appearing in a number of cities. 360 Cities have created a 360 degree panorama of this one that appeared in Tokyo.
Interesting Map Spam
The sfist came across this search result, marked as a 'Private/Irrelevant place', when searching for 'the she's sf' in Google Maps.
Tele Atlas's 3D Digital World
CNN have an interesting article about how Tele Atlas are busy creating a 3D virtual reality map of the world, using mapping vans fitted with six cameras, two side-sweeping lasers and a GPS unit.
CNN say that within 18 months, Tele Atlas hopes to develop a powerful navigation system whose images will look almost identical to the real world.
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