The New York Times has compiled data on more than 200,000 facilities that have permits to discharge pollutants and have collected responses from states regarding compliance. The paper has made all of this data available via a very cool Google Maps mashup.
It is possible to search the map by city or zip code or by selecting a state. Violations are shown on the map by small orange map markers. When you roll over the markers an information window opens with the violation details.
Facilities are also listed below the map, with information about their last inspection and the number of violations of the Clean Water Act of 1972.
Also See
- MapEcos - Another map of the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) dataset from the EPA.
- American towns damaged by toxic waste - Google Maps and YouTube videos.. created by The Center for Public Integrity.
- Toxic Risk -map showing all of the US states based on the EPA Toxic Release Inventory
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