This morning I've been revisiting the Google Maps experiments on This site has some great examples of what can be achieved with the Google Maps API.
I particularly like these two Google Maps examples which could be very useful for anyone thinking of building a route planner with the Google Maps API.
POIs Along a Route
This route planning map can show you points of information along your route. So, for example, the map can show you all fast food outlets along your route. Alternatively you could build a map that showed all gas stations along a route.
Driving Radius Map
This is a cool experiment to show driving routes that lead to 30 miles around a given point. If you click on the map the map will load routes around that location that will take you 30 miles away.
I can see a few practical applications for this experiment. If you used it in conjunction with walking directions or biking directions you could load suggested routes around a point. You could allow the user to define the route distance so, for example, you could show the user a number of ten mile bike rides or hikes around any given point.
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