Jurassic Test is a Google Maps application that should prove very useful to electric car owners. The app allows users to test whether different makes of electric car are able to complete a planned journey without having to recharge the battery.
Just enter a start and end point for a journey on the Jurassic Test Google Map (you can just click on the map twice to set two locations). Then select the 'update' button beneath the map. That's it!
The battery icon next to the car(s) you have selected will estimate how much battery power should be consumed on your chosen journey.
Rusdorogi is an Android Application that automatically tests the quality of Russian roads. The Rusdorogi Google Map shows at a glance the quality of Russian roads as detected by the app.
The app senses the vibrations on the user's phone. It uses a specially developed method of data processing which assesses the types of vibration on the phone and distinguishes between data coming from the car and other, normal background, vibrations.
What with the Olympics and the Queen's Golden Jubilee, London is expecting a lot of visitors this summer. BBC Australia has created a great looking Google Map to help those visitors explore the English capital.
London Calling is a great way to find things to see and do in London and whilst you explore the map there are even opportunities to win prizes.
The design of the information windows on this map is very impressive. The windows include a circular smaller map to give the illusion of a cut-out in the window to highlight the location of the map marker on the map.
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