Pedestrian Crashes in Novosibirsk is one of the six winners of the inaugural Data Journalism Awards.
Pedestrian Crashes in Novosibirsk uses the Google Maps API to map and analyse pedestrian road accidents in Novosibirsk, Russia in 2011. The jury of the award said that the map is a,
"good interactive visualisation of what can be very dry data, with intuitive navigation, in an interface that invites readers to engage with the information. The pre-packaged pullout ‘stories’ also efficiently relay information at a glance – while allowing readers to zoom in to get customised or personal detail."
The slide control above the map can be used to filter the results shown by month. The 'pullout' stories allow the user to explore the data by gender of the driver, gender of the pedestrian, age of driver and pedestrian, and to show those accidents that caused a fatality.
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