U.S. Classifieds + Google Maps = LocalDataPlace.com - LocalDataPlace is a new "hyper-local" classified ads site that mashes up with Google Maps. It presents classified ads based on your U.S. zipcode. This site is unique from others like Craigslist in that it displays ads for every area of the U.S., and not just major metropolitan areas. Since the service has just launched it will only get better as user-ads are posted (for free).
You can see an example here:
U.S. Ride Finder Tool + Google Maps = UrbanHitchhiker.com - UrbanHitchhiker is a free U.S. nationwide carpool matching service that integrates with Google Maps. It claims to be the first to use mapping technology to help users search for and post rides. Detailed addresses are not displayed and only registered users can contact each other through the site without divulging their contact information to arrange compensation and neutral meeting points. To test this web service out, you'll need a valid U.S. address as a start/end point. try these two: [9730 Shepherd Rd Dallas, TX 75243-4100] -> [3708 Harvard Ave Dallas, TX 75205-3133]
Technorati Tags: [googlemaps], [googlemapsmania]
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