Ontario (Canada) Student Housing Search - Terrill Dent of Waterloo, Ontario has created a great student housing mashup that serves 3 cities and 4 major Canadian universities (Laurier, UofWaterloo, Western and UofGuelph). The site combines publicly accessible campus housing databases with Google Maps as the viewing tool. Student rental listings in each of these locations are categorized by price range, then displayed on the map. In the case of the city of Waterloo, a "map options" tab lets you overlay the transit bus routes that serve the 2 universities there. Terrill has plans to add more colleges and universities in Ontario soon.
Seattle residents: Appraise your home - ShackPrices.com is a house appraisal tool for residents living in King County (Seattle). The website describes how it works: "..you pick the area, you pick what kinds of houses you want to see from a range of choices, and we show you up to 200 of the houses that have sold in that area over whatever time period you're interested in. Click on any house to see specifics about it, including when and how much it sold for in the past 10 years."
Technorati Tags: [realestate], [NYC], [Seattle], [UW], [Ontario], [UGuelph], [Western], [googlemaps], [googlemapsmania]
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