Compare the relative size of places on Google Maps - Here's a cool Google Maps tool that will let you draw an outline of something on Google Maps, then line it up against another location in the world. Wondered what the size of Manhattan is versus, say London? Now you can check it out for yourself! Just draw the outline of the place in the upper window, then close the shape. Once complete, use the lower window to zoom to another world location to compare the size!
[Via ProgrammableWeb]FlickrPhotos + Google Maps = Fotoland: Yes, there are a lot of Flickr Google Maps mashups.. this one adds to the list with a great interface and awesome geo-exploration experience.
[Via ProgrammableWeb]FindMeSomeWifi - Looking for Wifi in a specific country? Give this wifi finder tool a try to locate it in your city or in a country you are traveling in! :) [
Via ProgrammableWeb]
World National Anthems on Google Maps - Here's a simple mashup idea.. Luigi from Italy has built a mashup showing country markers for places where YouTube and Google Video national anthem video clips exist. Click the marker and watch and listen to the national anthem for that country. Videos range from World Cup presentations to those boring, aged anthem videos you watch as the network signs off for the night in the wee hours.. More anthems will hopefully be added to fill in the blanks..
The Google Maps - Google Zeitgeist - Google Trends Mashup[Via ProgrammableWeb]
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