Outside.in - From the site: "..A bridge between information space and real-world space -- a place to see in a single glance all the interesting things that are happening around you." Uses Google Maps, tagging, RSS and more. [Via DC Metroblogging]
StatSync.com (MySpace Tracker) - Uses Google Maps to aggregate a pile of stats for your MySpace profile. Google Maps is used to plot locations of recent visitors based on their location.
BidNearby.com (eBay) - Location based eBay searching. Uses zip codes and your eBay search to plot listings to a Google Map. It also includes results from Craigslist if you live near a city which is covered by that community site as well.
MapCreature (eBay) - Another eBay search tool. Specify the state and city plus distance radius with your eBay search and results are then plotted for you on a Google Map.
HottieHotSpots.com - From the site: "It works by letting users add and rate various locations around the world, and around town, based on how many how girls can usually be found there." [Via ProgrammableWeb]
EventPedia.net - Combines Google Maps and Upcoming.org APIs to inform you of what is happening in your area. [Via ProgrammableWeb]
EmotionalFootprints.com - "..Get your old family photos, scan them and place them on the map using Emotional Footprints.com. Your family home, college, romantic spots, find them on the map and update your memories." [Via ProgrammableWeb]
Memotoo.com - Import your address book (from Outlook, vCard etc) into Memotoo and you can instantly Google Map your contact list. Options exist to export theses GPS waypoints to Google Earth, GPS eXchange format etc.. (Demo screengrab here)
GroupRider.com - A community site for motorcyclists which leverages the Google maps API to let the members plot ride routes, share them, etc.
Gusto.com - A travel lifestyle site that features personalized travel blogs and favorite places features Google Maps integration on city pages.
YakJive.com - A web based site creation tool that allows people to post, organize, and manage articles on the web. Google Maps is used to map the location of each article posted. See here for an example. You can enter coordinate information for articles by either entering an
address (any address that Google Maps can geocode), clicking on a map,
or entering the address directly.
FacesOfMTVtr3s.com - A "bi-cultural entertainment destination rooted in the fusion of Latin and American music and cultures." Essentially it's a Google Maps powered social networking site that lets users connects by exploring user profiles..
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