Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Quality Beer on Google Maps


PubQuest is a Google Maps mashup that will help you find quality craft breweries, brew houses or brew pubs wherever you are in the USA or Canada.

It is possible to search the map by state, province or city. Alternatively, it is possible to pan and zoom the map and the markers will automatically be updated.

Brew pubs are shown on the map by markers shaped like a mug, blue beer kegs indicate craft breweries and yellow beer kegs show beer houses. Clicking on any of the map markers opens an information window with the address of the establishment and a button to get driving directions.

Some Other Beer & Wine Related Maps Mash-Ups

Exploring Belgium on Google Maps


Recreax is a new interactive travel and recreation guide that uses Google Maps to show user recommendations. Anyone can upload information about their recreation, leisure or travel activities to the site, including multimedia content, such as photos and video.

Users can upload information about any location in the world but at the moment the site is most active in Belgium. The map should centre automatically on your current location. To view the current uploaded points of interest just centre the map on Belgium. The map markers are categorised into a number of categories, e.g nightlife, attractions, markets etc. The site is also available in three languages, Dutch, French and English.


Climbing the Alps with Google Maps

German rock-climbing website,, has created a Google Map mashup of climbs in the Alps. The climbs are submitted by users of the site and gpx files can be downloaded for each climb.

All the climbing routes are shown on one Google Map. However, if you click on any of the individual map markers, there is a link to a more detailed map of the individual climb. Each climb comes with its own Google Map, an altitude graph and links to download a gps track.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Canadian Crime Maps

US crime mapping website had added two Canadian cities to its coverage. The site now has Google Maps showing crimes in Brandon, MB and Ottawa, ON.

In both cities geo-tags Sex Offenses, Theft, Traffic, Theft from Vehicle, Theft of Vehicle and Property Crime. It is possible to search the map by location and by date. Search results are then displayed by catagorised map markers and also shown in the map sidebar.

Via: Mapperz

SpotCrime provide crime maps for 130 US cities and also for ten Canadian cities. The Canadian cities are Calgary, Edmonton, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec, Winnipeg, Toronto and Vancouver.

SpotCrime also allows you to search for crime by date and location. By adding the crime id's of individual crimes to SpotCrime's url (with comma separation) you can also create your own map featuring only the crimes you have selected.


Mare on Google Maps

Mare Online

German magazine Mare has produced a Google Map that provides access to its entire online archive, including articles, audio and video contributions. The site has also added, where relevant, small Google Maps to its archive of articles, to give a geographical context to the content.

On the large map it is possible to search by subject matter or by each issue of the magazine. Screenshots of the front covers of the magazine are displayed at the top of the map. Clicking on any of the screenshots will load map markers for the geo-tagged content from that issue of the magazine.

The job of mapping Mare's huge archive of articles was given to Ubilabs, whose live tracking maps of the Tour de France are always hugely popular. Hopefully they will be producing another Tour de France mashup this year.


New York Schools Overcrowding

Overcrowded NYC Schools Map

Apparently overcrowding is a chronic problem in New York City’s public schools. This Google Map tracks the overcrowding citywide and at the borough, district and school levels.

The map shows schools’ annexes and temporary structures, including trailers, mini-schools and temporary classroom buildings, which are generally located in school yards but as the map shows sometimes located blocks away. It is possible to search the map by borough, building type, utilisation rate and school type.


Seinfeld Clips on Google Maps

Seinfeld Google Map

Fans of Seinfeld are going to love this Google Map from Sony Pictures. The map shows many of the New York locations used in the hit comedy series. More excitingly, each location comes with a short video clip from the show.

As point out the show was actually shot in Los Angeles, so a little creativity seems to have gone into the placement of some of the locations. This could be why there is no Street View option on the map. This is a bit of a shame as some of the locations, such as Monk's Diner (Tom's Restaurant in real life), can actually be found on Street View.

Also See

The Geography of Seinfeld


Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wikipedia on Google Maps


WikiFieldTrip is a Google Map mashup that displays Wikipedia articles based on the current map view. The relevant Wikipedia articles automatically load when you drag the map around or search for a new location.

When you click on a map marker an information window opens with the Wikipedia article. Each information window also includes a star. If you click on the star a link to the article appears in the map sidebar. In this way it is a possible to create a list of Wikipedia articles for later reading.

Other Wikipedia Mashups:

Pegman Celebrating Gay Pride

Pegman, the Street View icon, is taking on various guises around the world this weekend. In San Francisco and New York Pegman is celebrating gay pride with a rainbow coloured flag along parade routes.

In the UK, if you visit the areas around the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club in Wimbledon, you will find Pegman in rather dapper tennis whites.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Campus Crime Google Map

EMU/Ypsi Crime Map

The Eastern Michigan University and the City of Ypsilanti have worked together to create a Google Map mashup that geotags crime in the area over the previous 60 days. Crimes shown on the map are categorised into arson, aggravated assault, burglary, criminal sexual conduct, motor vehicle theft, murder, robbery, and larceny from a vehicle.

The university's crimes are almost real-time, whilst crimes committed in Ypsilanti take a little longer to appear on the map. From the map sidebar it is possible to select which category of crime you wish to view, whether you want to view just crimes in the university or crimes in the city and the date range that you wish to view.

Via: Campus Technology


Michael Jackson Tribute Map

Michael Jackson Twitter Map

Messages on Twitter today seem to be almost exclusively concerned with tributes to the life of Michael Jackson. Mibazaar has created a Google Maps mashup that shows the latest messages about Michael Jackson from Twitter. The map lets you view in real-time tributes to Michael Jackson from around the world.

As usual Mibazaar is allowing anyone to embed the map in their own website. In the UK one national newspaper, The News of the World, has already embedded the map on their website.


Sports Trails on Google Maps


tourendatenbank is a new Google Maps mashup site of outdoor sports activities. The site lists different outdoor sports activities by category and country. Users can add their favourite routes and pictures (top spots) and search for routes submitted by other users.

The site is in German and, at the moment, mainly features routes in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. The map includes a number of categories of routes, including mountain walks, climbing routes, mountain bike trails, winter hikes, snowshoe trails, skiing and luge.


London GeoMob

London GeoMob, the London geo / mobile developers group, is meeting next Tuesday at the British Computer Society, 6-10pm.

Spoonfed, the events guide for London and Adfonic, the mobile advertising platform, will be speaking at the event. There are only about 20 places left on this free event, so if you are a geo-developer in or near London you should sign up now.

I will be attending myself so, if you are there, don't forget to say 'hi'.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Google Maps Friday Fun

Ferry Crash?

Google Maps satellite imagery seems to have caught the crash of two ferries in Sydney Cove. However, as the Sydney Morning Herald, points out this is just an 'image stitching error', a mistake caused when two satellite images, taken at slightly different times, are joined together.

Don't bother trying to find the image on Google Maps, the smaller vessel has now magically disappeared from view.

Distance From-To

This, rather neat, Google Maps mashup lets you measure the distance between any two points on Earth. You can drag the map markers to any location and, each time you move a marker, the distance is automatically measured.

The distance is shown in both kilometres and miles.

Twitter Travel

Twitter Travel shows the latest Tweets about travel conditions on a Google Map. To add a message to the Twitter Travel map, just tag your tweets '#travel' followed by the location and a description, e.g.

"#travel M25 J11, A lorry has overturned and there are long tailbacks."

You can change the starting location of the map to where you live by adding your town to the end of the URL.


UK Woolworths Back & On Google Maps

Woolworths - Watch People Shop

In January, after 99 years of trading, Woolworths UK closed its 807 shops in the country. Now Woolworths has relaunched as an online only store. Part of this new initiative is a Google Maps mashup showing the latest purchases made by its customers.

The Woolworths Watch People Shop Map is a real-time map of purchases made on the website. Purchases are shown on the map by map markers that show the buyer's location and a link to the item that was bought.

Via: Mapperz


Google Labs Release City Tours - Updated

Google City Tours

Google Labs have released a new application called Google City Tours built on Google Maps. The application allows anyone to identify points of interest and plan multi-day trips in major cities. Users specify the location of their hotel and the length of their trip and City Tours maps out an itinerary.

City Tours comes with a number of preconfigured tours for San Francisco, New York, London and Dublin. Each preconfigured tour has three routes, meant to be walked over three different days, that take in major landmarks, museums and galleries in each of the cities.

Each landmark on the tour is marked on the map. The pop-up window for each marker contains information about how long you will stay when visiting the landmark, a user rating and the opening hours. The map sidebar shows the order of the walk and the time it should take to walk from one location to the next.


Google City Tours is in Google Labs, which means it is just an experiment for now. My instincts are that City Tours will be a very popular application with just a few tweaks and some added functionality. I'm sure that many of the suggestions below will be added before City Tours graduates from Labs.

The Guardian note that currently City Tours doesn't allow users to send links of customised itineraries to friends. This is obviously an essential feature if Google plan for City Tours to be used widely.

Mapperz points out that Google City Tours only provides 'as the crow fly' straight lines between different points on a tour. As Mapperz says, it would be much more useful if Google used their own 'walking directions' feature to provide the walking directions between different landmarks.

Techcrunch similarly suggest that Google add support for Google Transit, so users don't have to walk between landmarks.

Google Operating System suggests that Google add more multi-media and information about landmarks on tours,

"It would be useful to show more details about sights from Wikipedia and from image hosting sites like Flickr or Panoramio. Google works on landmark recognition, a project that associates images from the web with landmarks, and City Tours is an obvious application."

Hat tip to Mapperz for passing on news of this to me.


Jewish Directories Google Maps

Jewish in the City

Jewish in the City provides Jewish directories for a large number of North American cities. Each city has a dedicated web page and each city has its own dedicated Google Maps of kosher restaurants, synagogues, Jewish stores and schools.

The links to the maps can be found in the left hand column on each city page. There are a lot of really useful Google Maps here. I've provided direct links to just a few below:

New York Jewish Store Map
New York Kosher Restaurant Map
New York Synagogue Map
New York Jewish Schools

Los Angeles Jewish Store Map
Los Angeles Kosher Restaurant Map
Los Angeles Synagogue Map
Los Angeles Jewish Schools

Montreal Jewish Store Map
Montreal Kosher Restaurant Map
Montreal Synagogue Map
Montreal Jewish Schools


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mapping Sound and Noise Pollution

La Montre Verte

SenSaris is a company that make 'senspods', mobile applications that can transmit real time geolocation and other data. The company have developed a small Bluetooth wearable senspod to provide cities with a new means of mapping noise and air pollution with Google Maps.

The senspods are equipped with two environmental sensors (to measure ozone and noise) a GPS chip and a Bluetooth chip.

The La Montre Verte (Green Watch) website is a Google Maps mashup that shows some of the data collected by SanSaris sensors at a number of French locations. Using the map it is possible to analyse noise and ozone pollution at various locations and at different times of the day.


Africa's First Live Traffic Google Map

eNowNow Live Lagos Traffic

Nigerian website eNowNow has launched what I think is the first African Google Maps mashup to show live traffic conditions. The map shows 'live' traffic updates for Lagos. Currently the traffic conditions are updated between the hours of 6am and 8pm Monday to Friday, however the frequency of updates may vary.

eNowNow have overcome the lack of any central or government information about traffic conditions with a marvellously low-tech solution. Traffic information is collected via a team of mobile traffic monitors, who each follow a series of pre-determined routes around Lagos. At a number of pre-selected points along these routes the monitors stop and take a photograph of the current traffic conditions which is then sent via an MMS message.

Roads on the map are coloured to show the current speed of traffic. If you click on any of the map markers an information window opens with information about the speed of traffic and a recently taken photo.


Canadian Universities & Montreal Nighlife

AUCC Funding Map

The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada have produced a Google Map to track projects at Canadian universities that are receiving federal (and provincial or private matching funds) for “Knowledge Infrastructure” projects. The map is being updated as new projects are announced. This is the first year of a two-year $2 billion federal funding program investing in infrastructure to renovate and renew teaching and research facilities at colleges and universities across the country.

The map is available in French or English. It is possible to click on each of the Canadian provinces to receive information about funding in the whole of the province. Each university of college receiving specific funding also has its own map marker. The markers contain information about the breakdown of the funding at that institution.

Tourisme Montreal
Tourisme Montreal have created a Google My Map to highlight some of the best places to see live music and go dancing in Montreal. Red pins on the map show nightclubs with DJs and the blue pins show clubs with live music.

Clicking on any of the map markers will open an information window that contains the address of the club and a link to its website.


Summer of the Street View Trike

The Street View Trike on Campus

Last week the Google Street View trike was seen cycling around the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Google say they have agreed to take Street View imagery at a number of universities, including, San Diego State, University of San Diego and Penn State.

"[We're partnering] with universities and colleges who say ‘this is a great chance to explore our campus in a different way,'" said Sean Carlson, Google’s manager of global communications and public affairs.

Via: Technically Philly

Street View Trike Vote

In the UK, Google have partnered with VisitBritain to allow the public to vote for where they would like the Street View trike to visit. You can vote for your favourite landmark here.

Street View Solves Robbery
The Register last week reported that two street robbers were apprehended thanks to Google Street View imagery in the Netherlands.

Last September a 14-year-old boy was robbed in Groningen. The boy looked at Street View in March and discovered that imagery from just before the robbery showed the two men. He applied to Google for the uncensored imagery, Google obliged and the police were subsequently able to identify the two muggers.

Via: The Register

Save Australian Street View Imagery
In Australia there is a campaign to get Google to preserve images of the towns wiped off the map by the terrible Victorian 2009 Bushfires. The campaign have set up a Facebook petition group so Australians can add their support.

Google are apparently currently in discussions regarding preserving the Street View data.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Share Your Life on Google Maps


thisMoment is a website allowing users to capture, both as individuals and in collaboration with family and friends, meaningful moments in their lives. Users can sequence those moments on a personal timeline, creating a 'digital reflection' of their real-world life. The site can combine photo and video sharing, blogging, media and social networking to create a personal album of important events in your life.

Each moment created comes with its own small Google Map showing where it happened. The map comes with an 'enlarge map' link that will open the map full screen in a lightbox window. The enlarged map also shows moments created by other users that have happened nearby.


The New Ford Fiesta on Google Maps

Ford Fiesta Movement Map

Ford have recruited 100 'agents' to test drive the Ford Fiesta, which will be launched in 2010/2011. These agents will test drive the Fiesta for six months and, during that time, will 'lifestream' their experiences on Twitter and YouTube.

Mibazaar has created a Google Map of the agents' Tweets. The map animates through the latest 50 Twitter messages of the agents. Mibazaar is also allowing anyone to embed the map in their own website or blog by cutting and pasting a short piece of code.


NSW Government Google Map

NSW Government Stimulus Snapshot Map

In Australia the New South Wales government is investing $62.9 billion in an Economic Stimulus package to generate employment and deliver improved schools, roads and railways. To help communicate how residents' tax dollars are being invested the NSW government have produced a Google Map that shows the location of current projects in the state.

To learn about some of the things that are happening in their area, residents can type in their postcode, town or suburb. It is also possible to search the map by specific types of projects (e.g. schools, roads), using a drop down menu.

Also See

Canada's Economic Action Plan Map
USDA ARRA Projects Map - American Recovery Act Google Map


Get a Google Map for Your Event


MapMyEvent is a Google Maps mashup that can automatically generate a map for your conference or event. All you need to do to create a map is to click on a location. MapMyEvent then creates a map with all the necessary hotel and tourist information at your chosen location.

The generated map includes driving directions, Street View, Wikipedia, photos, videos, hotels, and tourist attractions. Nearby restaurants can be viewed on the map, as well as upcoming events that are listed on Eventful, Zvents and Upcoming.

Each MapMyEvent map also comes with its own unique url.


Monday, June 22, 2009

Volunteering Opportunities on Google Maps

All for Good

Inspired by the call of President Obama to engage more Americans in community service, a group of volunteering enthusiasts from Google, Craigslist Foundation, UCLA, YouTube, FanFeedr and Aha! Ink have produced an open source application that allows anyone to find and share volunteer activities.

Google is hosting the All for Good website and, in a spirit of openness, the site has a data API that anyone can use to display the same data on their own sites. To search for volunteering activities users just need to enter their location and the site returns a list of opportunities and a Google Map showing their location.


Mobile Phone Maps Revenue Sharing


Google Maps mashups that let you find nearby points of interest on your mobile phone are becoming fairly thick on the ground. Terrestrica has an interesting revenue sharing model that should help it break into this already crowded market.

In essence Terrestrica is a Google Maps mashup for mobile phones that allows users to add and find points of interest at any location. Users are able to add pictures, descriptions, audio and video files of location points. All uploaded points of interest are available for all mobile users on Terrestrica. The content of each location point is triggered by the GPS in each mobile device.

The video below shows you how to add locations in Terrestrica,

Advertisers on Terrestrica choose which locations they advertise on. The adverts are shown on user's mobile phones when they view a point of interest. Those who upload information to Terrestrica get 25% of all advertising on their location points.

Via: Mapperz


Conquer the World on Google Maps

Battlecell is a social network game of world domination built on top of Google Maps. The game involves building an empire, making alliances and battling against other players.

Each player starts with one cell (one minute of latitude and one minute of longitude) on Google Maps and you expand your territory by buying or conquering other cells. There are 55 million cells and the game can support millions of players.

The video below explains the game in more detail,

Players earn credits over time and you can buy extra credits to help your empire expand more quickly. You can also earn additional credits by inviting your friends to join the game. The game includes a chat option so it should be easy to make alliances with other players.

When you first register there is a very handy step by step tutorial that explains the basics of the game. I advise you not to skip the tutorial, it is essential to understanding the game and by completing the tutorial you will earn extra credits.


Taxi Fares on Google Maps

World Taximeter

World Taximeter is an international taxi fare calculator. The website can currently work out the estimated cost of a taxi fare in a large number of American and European cities.

To work out the fare for a taxi journey you enter your starting point, destination and the time of day of your journey. World Taximeter then returns an estimated fare and a Google Map showing the likely route of your journey.

Via: Mapperz


Sunday, June 21, 2009

New York Murders on Google Maps

New York City Homicides Map

The New York Times has created a Google Maps mashup showing the location of all 3,402 homicides in the city since 2003. The data has been collected from New York Police Department announcements, in addition to news accounts, court records and additional reporting.

The map is a great example of how a huge amount of data can be presented on a map using the Google Maps for Flash API.

The search options on the map are also really impressive. It is possible to view data for any year by using the slide bar at the top of the map. It is also possible to refine the data by month and time of day, race/ ethnicity of the victim, race/ ethnicity of the perpetrator, sex of the victim, sex of the perpetrator, age of the victim or perpetrator, weapon used and borough.


Imagery Update for Tehran

The Twittersphere has been calling for Google to update their satellite imagery in Tehran. Google have responded by posting new satellite imagery as a kml file. The new imagery was taken by GeoEye on Thursday the 18th at approximately 11:18am local time.

Mapperz has put together a Google Map with the new satellite imagery added as an overlay.

Via: Google LatLong: Imagery update for Tehran


Saturday, June 20, 2009

Photosynth on Google Maps

Photosynth Map

I'm a big fan of Microsoft's Photosynth. I therefore decided to create this Google Map to highlight some of my favourite Photosynths. The map geotags a number of Photosynths of famous landmarks around the world.

Use the right hand sidebar links to zoom in on a Photosynth and click on the white round map markers to open the Photosynth embedded within the Google Maps' information window.


MyPicsMap is a cool application for viewing Flickr photos on a map. You can view photos of a Flickr user by entering their username or just explore the world through location.

If you click the 'explore' button from the opening screen it is then possible to zoom in on any location. When you pan or zoom the map thumbnails of Flickr photographs are loaded on the fly. The map also comes with a search function, so it is possible to search for your favourite locations.

If you click on a thumbnail the photograph opens in a lightbox directly above the map.


Find Out What's Here on Google Maps

Google has added a new feature to the right-click menu on Google Maps. The new feature, 'What's here?', when clicked, will give you the most relevant results representing a location, whether it's a specific address, a natural entity, or a place name.

The results are related to the zoom level that you click at. For example, if you click on New York when you are zoomed out on the map you will get result for the state of New York. Zoom in closer and you will get results for the district of New York you are clicking on, zoom in closely and you will get address of the location.

Via: Google LatLong: How to find out "What's here"


Friday, June 19, 2009

Italian Google Maps Round-Up


Wikiroma is a geoblog website for Rome. The site includes a Google Map, on which all the posts on the blog are geotagged. The Google Map is prominent on the main page and provides a useful navigation tool for readers to find gigs and events happening in their neighbourhood in Rome.

Percosi Emotivi

Percorsi Emotivi is a website tracking the moods of Italians. The geoblog is open and everyone can post directly on the map. Users are invited to subscribe and post the emotions they feel, or have felt, at certain places (streets, squares, monuments, etc.) of Bologna, Italy.

The site is working with local non-profit associations to involve disadvantaged people in the project, in order to create a set of multilayered maps. Percorsi Emotivi are also working on implementing more "social" features like a forum and chat application related to specific places in the city.


Geo4You is an Italian map creation website. Geo4You is able to create custom Google Maps from any kind of geo-data.

Geo4You is highly customizable, both in GUI and in functionality and can be used in many different professional areas (tourism promotion, risk management, spatial analysis, network management technology etc).

You can see a demo map built using Geo4You here.


Thursday, June 18, 2009

Friday Fun on Google Maps

Intriguingly Shaped Communities

The SEO Company had a good post this week on strangely shaped communities that can be seen on Google Maps. These are communities, such as the fort village of Bourtange in the Netherlands (pictured), whose intriguing shapes are best viewed from above, via the satellite imagery of Google Maps.

Layar Augmented Reality Application
There is a lot of buzz around at the moment about the potential of augmented reality. Layar claim to be the world's first augmented reality browser. Layar is available for the Android Market in the Netherlands. The company say they will also launch in Germany, the UK and the United States this year. For now you can check out the video,

Street View Timelapse
Digital Urban this week published two videos uploaded to YouTube that use Street View imagery stitched together to create timelapse movies. The video below is a drive along Hennepin Avenue in Minneapolis.


PARKR is a Google Maps mashup that shows the location of amusement parks and theme parks throughout the world. The site lets registered users vote and add reviews of individual theme parks.


Anti Viral Marketing on Google Maps

Ten Grand is Buried There

Microsoft are running a campaign in Australia to try and get web users to download Internet Explorer 8. The website for the campaign tells anyone not using IE8 whilst browsing the site to 'get lost'. A lot of web users have taken exception to the campaign and it seems to be backfiring on Microsoft.

Today, a developer at Mozilla, who produce Firefox, has hit back. He grabbed the url TenGrandIsBuried and has added a Google Map to the site. When you zoom in on the map you will see a company logo (and it's not Microsoft's).

Via: Techcrunch

Great Adventures with Google Maps


Zion National Park

The TrailBehind Google Map geotags parks and forests in every part of the world and provides GPS trails from all over the web. The map allows users to find great places to visit and explore, in any location.

As well as finding great places and providing GPS trails the site also allows anyone to upload their own GPS trails. If you upload a GPS trail TrailBehind will make a trip page for you where you can look at route information, invite friends, and add a report.

When the map first loads users are able to determine if they want to view just hiking, biking, climbing or camping points of interest on the map. It is also possible to search the map by location.

Also See

Tracks & Trails on Google Maps


World Refugee Day Google Earth Tour

World Refugee Day is on the 20th June. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees have worked with Google to create a Google Earth tour that shows UNHCR's refugee camps across the globe.

The Google Earth tour helps to give a human face to refugees from seven different camps across Asia and Africa, allowing you a small insight into the lives of refugees.

Using the Google Gadget for the Google Earth plugin has created a website so that you can view the tour directly in your browser.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Canadian Cinemas Google Map

Canadian Movie Theater Cyberatlas

This Google Maps mashup displays all Canadian movie theaters and drive-ins. The database was compiled by the developers from different sources including the Canada Film Year Book and There is also the facility for users to add new cinemas to the map.

I particularly like the way the map developers have used different sized map markers to represent different sized cinemas. The bigger the marker the more screens in the cinema. The developers, by the way, are Daniel Naud, Sébastien Caquard and Victor Périchon, who created the map whilst studying at the Université de Montréal and Carleton University.


Iran Protests on Google Maps - Update 2

Iran Election Twitter Map

Map Channels has worked with (see map below) to produce a new Twitter and Google Maps mashup that shows you the latest Tweets about the revolt in Iran. It is possible to refine Tweets on the map by hash tags, '#IranElection', '#FreeIran', '#Iran', '#Tehran', '#Mousavi', '#Ahmadinejad' and '#gr88'.

It is also possible to refine Tweets by location. Finally, the makers say that anyone is free to use or modify the code on the site as long as a link is given to have created three Twitter Maps to track the micro-blogging sphere's response to the continuing revolt in Iran. All three maps update every hour and show only the last few hundred tweets.

The first map on the page contains tweets from the United States and Europe using the keyword "#Iranelection". The second map seems to be tweets mainly from France and the third map seems to be exclusively tweets from Iran.

Iran Protests Tweet Map
Iran Protests YouTube Map

Virender Ajmani, of Mibazaar, has created a couple of Google Maps mashups to track the growing protests in Iran over Saturday's election results.

The Tweet map geotags the latest Twitter messages on a Google Map. It is possible to view Tweets from the Middle East, Europe and from the United States on the map from a menu on the left-hand side of the map.

The YouTube mashup displays videos of the protests. Both maps contain forward and back arrows on the map so that you can navigate through the Tweets and videos.


Les Festivals d'Ete Google Map

Telerama's French Summer Festival Guide

Télérama in partnership with Google Maps, have produced a guide to over 800 festivals taking place in France this summer. As well as being able to view the locations of all the festivals on Google Maps there is a comprehensive guide with detailed previews.

It is possible to search the map by location, type of music and by date. It is also possible to get driving directions to any of the festivals and to view Street Views of locations.

It is possible to search the map at or you can view a mapplet of the festivals on Google Maps.

Also See

Alternative Festivals Map - The Guardian's guide to alternative festivals in the Europe this summer.
The Times UK Festival Map


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