- TinyMap - Quick and easy Google Maps
- Add your own map markers on CommunityWalk - Automatically adds a legend icon, shadowing and IE printing functionality. (Example here)
- GeoMonkey - Build your own map and explore others.
- Mapdaze - Google Maps creation tool meant for embedding into blogs.
- Google Maps Directions Bookmarklet Generator - This is cool. Add your consistent starting point for directions you run. Gens code that, once saved can be used for quick Google Maps directions later.
- Widgetop Google Maps Widget - Works for Firefox or Safari. Check out the website to learn how Widgetop works.
- More Google Maps Viewing Tools here..
- Google Maps API Pages - A new list of great Google Maps API "Pages" from the Maps API Group Homepage. They include:
- Known/Possible API Bugs
- API Feature Requests
- API Version Changes
- Links to Examples/Tutorials
- More Info: Custom Icons (for Markers)
- More Info: Events/EventListener
- More Info: GPolygon/GPolyline
- More Info: GTileLayer/GTileLayerOverlay
- More Info: InfoWindow
- More Info: KML on Google Maps
- More Info: Zooming
- Resources: (Non-Google) Geocoders & Reverse Geocoders
- Resources: Data Converters
- Resources: GIS(Geographical) Data
- Embedding Maps in Other Environments (Blogger, ASP, etc)
- Using Databases with GMaps Apps
Recent posts from The Official Google Maps API Blog:
- GDownloadURL Update - Better Error Checking!
- A Cool JSF and Maps Mashup
- Write Your (Valentine's Day) Messages in Google Maps
- GoogleMapsBook - Check out new posts from the Beginning Google Maps Applications "book blog"
- GoogleGeo - a class written to convert a US Street address into Geographic Coordinates. Full maps creation tutorial here.
- GeoCommons Promises Free Data for Map Mashups - Article from InformationWeek (Jan.23/07)
(For a condensed list, check here..)
Be sure to click the labels at the bottom of each post to see previous posts on the same topic.
when you queens bodyrubs cross the street, when you hop on from taxi to taxi, when there’s glazed frost on the pavement, and so on.
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