Jonathan Surratt's wildy popular Beer Mapping Google Maps Mashup Project has added Canadian and New Zealand Breweries/Brewpubs to the already present United States Map:
For those of you in the US, BeerMapping.com also has a list of US Cities that you can explore as well. To ensure quality all submissions are personally verified by Jonathon to prevent duplicates as well as every dive bar and restaurant in the US being added to his database. "I don't want to sound like a snob or anything, but if I were to add every location with bud light on tap, we couldn't actually see the map through all the pins" explains Jonathon.
New Epicenter Beer Map Feature:
A cool addition Jonathon feels proud of is the "Proximity Map" (or epicenter map as he likes to call it). The feature will allow a user to find a location (or enter a geocodable address) and create a custom map based on numerical mileage radius outward from that location/address. Example: Clark Street Ale House - Chicago For an example check out More info on this new feature can be found in this BeerMapping.com blog post and if you want to check out the code for it, look here.
Here are the Jonathon's posts for both the Canuck Beer Map and the Kiwi Beer Map additions.. Be sure to also make use of BeerMapping Mobile!
Other Google Beer Maps Mashups:
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