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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Google Maps Mania links for 2007-06-27

GeoWalk is awesome with Adobe Flex3 (Try it out)!

Harald Kotte from Germany has dropped me a line to let us know that he has created a new version of his great Google Maps travel and exploration mashup (See previous version of GeoWalk). If you're a long time reader you've heard me mention various updates that Harald has made but the new UI using Adobe Flex3 will blow you away. Flex3 enables a virtual desktop where you can control the map using various widgets. Geowalk lets you do things like search for a geo-location, map airports, UNESCO World Heritage Sites and lots more. This mashup will keep you playing with it for a while as you discover new controls and mashup options. Nice work Harald!

Pictures of in-flight Google Maps on JetBlue Airways - Back on June 7th I posted about the Google - JetBlue partnership that will see Google Maps as the in-flight map on personal tv screens in-flight. Google Blogoscoped has the scoop on some of the first pictures taken of this implementation by Jeff Greco. Looks nifty! I can't wait for some other airlines to start adopting this (Hope you're reading this Air Canada!) :)
Sky News (UK) using Google Maps to show Yorkshire UK Flooding

[Via Press Gazette]



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