YouTube - This Google Earth Blog post explains how you can add the location of a YouTube video upon upload.
1-800-GOOG411 - Fly The World Blog explains how you verbally say "Map-It" on the Google Voice Local Search (1-800-GOOG-411) service (a Labs project) in the US to receive a text message with details of the business and a Google Maps link you can open on your phone. See Official Google Blog post about this new feature..
Google acquisition:
Google acquires ImageAmerica to boost mapping - Official announcement from this Google Lat Long Blog post.
New Countries and features added to Google Maps (added in early July):

[Via Danny Sanchez at Journalistopia]
China - China now has cities and roads as well as map searching for cities and addresses!
Taiwan - Streets, roads and placename/address searching.
Singapore - Streets and roads existed before and now placename/address searching does too. Transit markers are also present.
More from July 1st:
Expanded coverage in India
UAE added
News Coverage:
Google Unveils Its Maps of Russia - Moscow Times
Google's View of D.C. Melds New and Sharp, Old and Fuzzy - Washington Post [via]
For more recent Google Maps News, click on the label below. Keep up to date on all things Google Geo at the Google Lat-Long Blog or for the Google Maps API check out the Google Maps API Blog:
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