Alex Neth has outdone himself with his new Craigslist mashup which he named Cribq. It combines Craigslist real estate listings for Chicago, SF, Chicago, Boston with Google Maps... but it doesn't stop there. What makes this Craigslist housing mashup different from others are the tools that Alex has built into the site: Hotlists, notes, the ability to edit listings, and you can search within the map. It also uses birdseye views from Virtual Earth and integration with Walkscore, an interesting Google Maps housing tool which gives you the "walkability" of a given address. Both are found as tabs below the Google Maps view at the bottom right. Alex's own housing search spawned the creation of Cribq, as Paul Rademacher's need for housing in San Francisco spawned the first ever Google Maps hack that also mashes up with Craigslist (HousingMaps).
Blog Archive
- New search options on Google Maps
- 18th Century France on Google Maps
- Explore a world location with Mapdango!
- Canada Google Maps Mashup Roundup (Jan.30/08)
- UK Google Maps Mashup Roundup (Jan. 30/08)
- Keir Clarke joins Google Maps Mania!
- 6 Cool new US Google Maps mashups!
- Google Maps public transport mashup for Dublin
- Google Maps New Zealand
- Fortune Google maps the best places to work in 08
- Euro Google Maps Mashup Roundup (7 countries)
- Google Maps Mania links for 2008-01-27
- The Google Maps Recent Edits Viewer!
- Google Maps SoccerMap!
- This Google Maps mashup is out of this world!
- Shout out about a place on Google Maps!
- Great Google Maps Mania Links for 2008-01-19
- 12 great new US Google Maps Mashups and Tools!
- Cribq: Great new Craigslist Google Maps mashup!
- Google Maps Tokyo Transit Tool (In English)
- The Google Maps Live Sports Map
- A Fantastic New Google Maps Books Mashup!
- Google Maps Mania links for 2008-01-05
- Google Map of Iowa Caucus Results
- 3 great new global Google Maps hotel mashups!
Monday, January 14, 2008
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