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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

1000 Years of History on Google Maps

What Was Here

What Was Here is a Google Map mashup that displays a thousand years of history for the city of Liverpool in the UK. The website is a project funded by NESTA (the National Endowment for Science Technology and the Arts) and was developed in conjunction with the Liverpool Library Service and a wide range of community organisations.

A thousand years is a lot of history and a lot of data to show on just one map. To accommodate all this data What Was Here have developed their own time-line. Clicking on a decade in the time-line will load the historical markers for that decade.

Not content with all the history already gathered What Was Here also want your stories about Liverpool. To add a story just click on the map at the location the story took place and enter your story into the 'Story Pad'.

You can also choose to ask a question rather than tell a story. If you add a question about Liverpool history to the map a question mark will appear. Other users can then see the question, and try to answer it.

This is such a great idea for a Google Map mashup that I expect other cities will follow What Was Here's lead very soon.

Via: Mapperz



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