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Friday, July 10, 2009

Real Time Shopping Maps

ThisNext Google Map

Online shoe retailer Zappos, who in turn owe more than a passing debt of gratitude to Twittervision, seem to have started a trend with their real-time Zappos Map. Social shopping site ThisNext are the latest online retailer to produce a Google Maps mashup that shows geo-tagged real-time purchases.

The map animates between the latest purchases made through the ThisNext site. Each information window displayed shows the location of the shopper and a picture of the product purchased. The window, of course, also displays a link to that product's web page, so if you see anything you like you can buy the product yourself.

A picture of each new product shown is also displayed under the map. If you roll your mouse over any of these products a lightbox style window opens with a larger picture. Clicking on any of the product pictures at the bottom of the page will also take you it's dedictaed web page.



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