HeyWhatsThat has produced an amazing Google Earth browser plugin application to view the route and the predicted views of tomorrow's annular solar eclipse.
The eclipse will start in Uganda, pass through Nairobi, and cross the Indian Ocean where the greatest eclipse is taking place. The islands of the Maldives are the best spot for viewing the eclipse from land. The annular Eclipse at Male', the capital city of Maldives starts at 12:20:20 hrs and ends at 12:30:06 hrs Maldives local time.
HeyWhatsThat has positioned two Google Earth maps next to each other, one showing the route of the eclipse across the Earth and the other showing a Google Sky view with the Sun and the Moon.
Both maps can be controlled using the time slider positioned below the maps. As you move the slider you can follow the track of the eclipse and view the moon passing in front of the sun.
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