The US Environmental Protection agency has created a Google Map to highlight violations of federal environmental laws resulting in nutrient, sediment and other pollution in Chesapeake Bay.
The Google Map shows information on enforcement actions and cases from 2009. The yellow map markers contain information on each case. All cases represented on the map are also listed below the map. It is also possible to view airshed and watershed boundaries on the map.
US Environmental Protection Agency

The EPA also has a Google Map to show information on enforcement actions and cases from 2009 throughout the United States. The map shows facilities in the United States where the EPA concluded an environmental enforcement action between October 1, 2008 and September 30, 2009.
MapEcos: US Environmental Performance Mashup:
MapEcos is a Google Maps mashup that "presents a balanced view of industrial environmental performance." It mashes up with the Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) dataset from the EPA and then displays the information logically on a map so an average person can understand what the factory down the street is spewing into the air. MapEcos was developed by students at Dartmouth College along with faculty of the business schools at Dartmouth, Duke, and Harvard.
Toxic Risk

ToxicRisk.com have produced Google Maps for all of the US states based on the EPA Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) data released on March 19th, 2009.
To start a search click on a state and you will be taken to that state's Google Map. It is then possible to search by zip code, state, city or place. When you zoom in on an area the map markers become interactive. When you then click on a marker an information window opens with a link to a summary of the toxic risk of that location.
It is also possible to view the data on Google Earth.
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