Now when you look at Street View in Google Maps you may see small thumbnails appear on the Street View. If you roll over the thumbnail the picture will seamlessly merge with the underlying Street View.

I guess Google must be running some kind of image recognition software and then overlaying the photographs on the same view in Street View. It is very impressive how the images are stretched to exactly match the underlying view.
Last week Historypin launched a very similar service. Historypin is a partnership between Google and We Are What We Do. The Historypin website allows users to add historical photographs to Street View. I'm guessing that at some point in the future we will see user submitted photographs to Historypin appearing on Google Maps as well.

Another development that we may see some time in the future is YouTube videos appearing on top of Street View. I've been working on a few experiments with this myself. Check out this example of Video on Street View.

Via: Google LatLong
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