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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Government Cuts on Google Maps

'Deficit reduction' certainly seems to be the buzz word of the decade. In the UK the British government is cutting public spending as if there will be no tomorrow. Almost as fast as the cuts are being made a new Google Map appears to try and show the impact of the cuts around the country.


Channel 4 News has created a crowd-sourced Google Map of spending cuts in the UK and have asked users to submit their own knowledge of cuts to the map.

The map markers are colour-coded by category and the categories can be filtered on the map via a drop-down menu. Anyone who knows of a spending cut not mapped can report it to Channel 4 and it will be plotted on the map.

Public Sector Cuts Mapped

The Guardian newspaper reports that "organisations across the country are closing and losing services as councils and public bodies implement swingeing cuts from April." To document the cuts The Guardian has built this Google Map.

The tabbed sidebar organises the cuts by category, for example, health cuts, education etc.

Where Are the Cuts

Where Are The Cuts? say there is no 'official' list of about what is being cut and where, so they made this Google Map to help inform the public what is being cut in their area.

The cuts on the map have been collected from official sources or entered directly by users of the map. It is also possible to browse all the cuts displayed on the map in list form.

Via: your2pence



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