enCooche.com is a Spanish website that lets you find the cheapest gas in your area.
You can enter a location and the type of fuel you need and enCooche returns a Google Map of available gas stations and their current prices. The prices are also lised in the map sidebar, which is quite handy to find the cheapest price at a glance.
If you click on a map marker you can get further details about a gas station. The information window also contains a handy tool that lets you work out the total price for the number of litres you wish to buy.
Donde Repostar Gasolina

This Google Map will find the cheapest gas stations for locations in Spain.
The map has a search engine so you can search for any location in the country and the results are then tagged on a Google Map. Clicking on a tag reveals the current price for gas at that gas station. The prices are all scraped from the website of the Ministry of Industry so should be very accurate.
Gas Maps Elsewhere
- GasPriceWatch.com - US
- Cost To Drive
- GasBuddy.com - Google Maps mapplet
- AltFuelPrices.com - alternative fuel prices and fill stations for the entire US.
- WhatGas.com - UK
- Cheap Gas Google Maps widget - USA
- Pumps.ie - Ireland
- Drive Pricing
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