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Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday Fun with Google Maps

Bird's Eye View of the Playboy Mansion

This week's release of new aerial view imagery includes a close-up of Hugh Hefner's pad, the Playboy Mansion.

Let Me Google Maps That For You

If you are tired of people asking you where somewhere is then you can now send them a link to Let Me Google Maps That For You.

When you enter a location into LMGMTFY you get a short URL that you send to the person who asked where the location was. The link takes them to LMGMTFY where they will see their location typed into the search box with the message 'Was that so hard?" underneath. Then they will automatically be taken to the location on Google Maps.

World Discoverer

In April 2000 The World Discoverer ran aground just off the coast of Nggela Sule Island, where she can still be seen on Google Maps.

God's Mouse

God's Mouse is a fun little Google Map that let's you pretend you are God with a giant mouse cursor. The mouse cursor on this map comes with a huge shadow, just like God's own mouse cursor.



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