Normally the Google Maps of the Week is a round-up of the best maps to have featured on Google Maps Mania in the previous week. This week we have saved the best to last.
Levi's Roadwear is a clever marketing campaign that uses the Google Maps API to help promote Levi's jeans. The application maps out and lets users explore the Levi's Roadwear range of clothes.
The app includes two map layers, 'terrain' and 'denim'. The terrain layer uses custom made map tiles of a sketch of the Roadwear range. If you switch to the denim layer the tiles switch to a photograph view of the clothes.
Using the zoom controls you can zoom in on details in both layers. The app also includes an animated tour of the map that includes videos and photographs of a band, Mermonkey, undertaking a fictional tour around Levi's Roadwear range.
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